Monday, November 17, 2014

Now We Are Free { Nature }

Hello, dear nature lovers. How are things going in your life? I invite you to spend a few moments to watch something I found very uplifting. Let us all walk in this beauty of nature. ~ Deborah Moen

One way to bring light into the world and to others is to share light. Make songs, videos, plays, art and movies that uplift and gladden the heart. I came across this beautiful music and song this morning and at a time when I am moving forward from harsh realities, this softened my heart and pointed me in the right direction. I can still feel undulating waves of healing going on in my heart from listening and watching the following 4:15 video. The video holds the song We Are Free sung by Lisa Gerrard and displays the most beautiful, inspiring heart opening nature videos. In my opinion watching this video and videos like it daily will begin a wave of peace within us that radiates outward. Relax chill out, take a break and breathe in the healing stress reducing imagery and sounds.

Lyric translation

Healing to me
And freely to you from Sol Omnipotens
Wings of Joy
Warmth of Day,
Sun of Dawn
O Sun of Yellow,
The Son of Righteousness,
Son of Morning Light,
Shine high and below!
Shine Aeonion!
Shine now, O Great I AM!
Shine now, O He Who Was!
Shine now, O Great to Come!
Now we are Free!
(Fast tempo, 4 times)
One the One now whom he was to be!
And the One by whom we now do all see
Healing to me;
Healing to you now freely from Sol:
For all the world too
Live on
Rays below,
Come now,
Wings of Joy
Warmth of Day, Sun of Dawn;
The Sun of
Flame by Day
From Our Lord
True Sun of Liberty
Healing you free.

Taken from

Thank you for visiting
Until next time

Nature Loves Appreciation

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

My Selfie In Nature

DeborahMoen in Dixie National Forest, Utah
Nature Love Appreciation

I love Nature !   I am always happy when I am in Nature. My mind takes in all the beauty, the color, sounds and movement. Around every corner there is Disney like scenery and experiences. The light and shadows speak to my heart and I am grounded and spirit filled. The more I appreciate Nature according to the laws that govern the universe, the more there is to appreciate. It is my experience that this synchronicity is true.
The more I appreciate Nature, the more Nature there is to appreciate. ~ DeborahMoen

Ah-Mazing Ecotones & Manifesting Lesson

Have you ever discovered something
amazing about Nature and had a burning
 desire to share it?
Lava flows, grassland, and forest on the
Markagunt Plateau, Dixie National forest, Utah
Photo by DeborahMoen© 
My new discovery is Ecotone
I found ecotones a perfect metaphor for life and co-creation. An ecotone is like that place we enter after asking for our desires to manifest, that may be testing your patience, while you are thinking, "Hey, where's my stuff?"
Ecotones are the inbetween spaces like where the ocean meets the shore or where a grassland meets the forest.

The ocean is not yet a sandy beach and the beach is not the ocean. The grassland is not the forest and the forest is not the grassland. There is this amazing zone in between which marries the two in a fertile dance of creation.

We may see them as separate yet one is in the other,
..intermingling, integrating, creating, transforming, giving birth and sometimes churning relentlessly within this space of endless possibilities depending on the ecosystem, environment or mood.

An ecotone is a transitional place

An ecotone, a transitional space, is connected yet blurred , not yet formed or manifested, as this space transitions from one into the other. It is a stockpot for wonderous and delicious recipes for new ideas and species to emerge on the leading edge of creation..

Nature and the good orderly direction of life on earth, always provides us an ecotone, a transitional space to adapt, to get ready, or align to the new events in our life; between relationships, financial high's and lows, and emotional ebbs and flows.
We enter into this zone from the moment we ask and the moment we receive. An ecotone,  is a metaphor for where all the foamy and seeded goodness of life emerges, lines are blurred and out of focus, yes, however, this is where faith abides and preferences are birthed and opportunities abound.

Just chill out

If we are impatient with life, disheartened because we can not see, fearful of the next moment and the next; we are definitely destined to be upturned within the forces by default. it is like standing stiff with fear when you see a wave coming. You may certainly end up with sand in your pants.

Whether we tire from the fight and let go of the struggle; or relax, float and co-create along with the motions of change, we ultimately meet our good and desired wishes. Either way, resistant or allowing, it is a blessing, this ecotone zone. ~ DeborahMoen©
Thank you for visiting,
Until next time,
Nature Love Appreciation

Ceremony by James Hood Sonic incense that perfumes the air. Listen...

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