Tuesday, August 9, 2016

The Oak Tree

*Photo by Jack Kelly of the sun breaking through
 the fog in New York. Oak tree. 
The Oak connects to mother earth through deep roots and holds her lofty crown in the ethereal realm of sky.  She is a doorway to different aspects of life and other dimensions. Oak teaches us about flexibility showing us the way to grace when change comes knocking.  She is generous with her wood, her acorn seeds, and oxygen. The venerable Oak absorbs our sighs, our exhales with appreciation. There is a powerful lesson in how the mighty Oak emerges from that little acorn seed. We are like that Oak.  Long live the Oak Tree! 

Thank you to the generosity of Jack Kelly who shared his photograph of this Oak tree with the sun breaking through the fog in New York.

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Until next time
Appreciate Nature. you will be rewarded with more Nature to appreciate!
Deborah Moon Moen
Nature Lover, Writer, Photographer, Teacher